The quality of the vaginal secretions — an essential indicator for the health of the women, to judge by the it allows on the presence or absence of these or other pathologies. Modern medicine differentiates between several types of precipitates, some of which are the Norm, and other signs of an infectious or inflammatory process. We consider a version of the female vaginal lubrication.
Composition of female lubrication

Natural mucus, transparent color, the issued female sex organs, called vaginal fluid.
She has a very difficult composition: the cellular and liquid components; special mucus produced by the glands, in the epithelium of the Vagina and uterus; as well as leukocytes, and some types of microbes.
The last in the absence of pathologies and diseases are in a minimum number, but at the time of infection, their number is growing, as is the nature of change.
Lubrication continuously output, but in the case of sexual arousal, the amount is several times increased. First of all, it is a natural lubricant, protecting the sheath against mechanical damage during intercourse. Secondly, it contains a number of substances that prevent the female body from the penetration at once.
During arousal the walls of the vagina, the rich, the blood, the blood vessels expand and "sweat bags" – because this in the Vagina caused small droplets of liquid. This is a natural lubricant.
In healthy women, vaginal lubrication — not too thick, a transparent substrate without distinct smell and color.
In some cases, the color can vary – for example, the later intercourse is know longer thick and milky.
The appearance of the lubrication and consistency are not woman is kept bound without attention: the timely detection of changes allow to quickly identify pathology in the reproductive systems of the body.
How sex may influence the allocation of
In average, moisture in the walls of the Vagina, the energetic Stimulation of the erogenous zones, or strong mental excitement starts after about 10-15 seconds later, it started.
The Signal is used to say that the woman is ready for entry of the Penis companion.
After the introduction of the natural lubricants are no longer produced, on the contrary – their number is growing. Maximum lubrication issued in the period of orgasm. And later recession of the excitation discharge coming back to normal.
It is interesting that a natural lubricant is faithful to the signs of female arousal, tea, it is inconceivable to pretend or to fake.
Due to the penetration of sperm into the Vagina, the color of the secretions may change. Thickness of vaginal lubrication white color — the characteristic result of unprotected sexual intercourse. So a unnecessary cum discharged to the outside.
With the use of condoms or the Association at the termination of the assignment are always thick, but its creamy consistency is obtain the viscosity.
If the selection is cool, the color or the consistency changed before the intercourse, or in the absence of them – certainly go to a gynecologist to be examined.
The causes of the unsatisfactory formation of vaginal secretions

When the body produces too little of the ordinary lubricant, the results can be very different: the sex organs are more susceptible to bacteria and germs, and sexual intercourse accompanied by severe discomfort.
To be harmful in the absence of secretion in women and for their sexual companions, in the case of excessive dryness of the vagina, it can happen, breakage or damage to the Frenulum of the Penis.
What can be used to reduce the number of secretions?
- The inclusion of the hormonal and some other Pharmaceuticals;
- Durable whereabouts in Stress, the most sensitive and physical overload;
- Sexually transmitted diseases and infectious processes. In this case, the woman has to take care, such as vaginal fluid: what color, what smell has, thick or thin;
- Hormonal disorders;
- Diseases of the reproductive organs and the genitourinary system;;
- Insufficient level of arousal prior to Sex, disorders of desire;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Pathology of the nervous System;
- Lactation.
As you can see, quite a lot of reasons. In any case, it is impossible to self – always ask for Support and advice of the gynecologist. Later, a complete medical examination should be allowed to true to diagnose pathology and prescribe effective treatment.
If a modest allocation of vaginal fluid, the characteristics of the organism are certain women, and partners, it is recommended that unnatural lubricants, for sale in any pharmacy.
If the usual lubrication to plenty of
For the most part a phenomenon of the inconvenience caused psychological Temperament – woman can discharge be ashamed of the strong and for this reason, to have Sex.
In addition, some are illiterate, believe representatives of the male gender, increased humidity in the female Vagina single-digit sign of the immorality of the woman, or even of treason.
In fact, abundance of vaginal discharge is a sign of a healthy desire and a typical reaction of the body to the state of arousal.
Challenge consulting helps rather a sexologist or family psychologist, not the gynecologist.