Discharge from the genitals of men and women are the Norm, but sometimes you can talk to and about the diseases. Often pathological secretions harbingers of infections, sexually transmitted infections.

Discharge in men arousal is as a viscous liquid. Its secreting urethral glands of Cooper. Glands are an additional space for the formation of a viscous liquid. They secrete a fluid mucous in nature. Their number varies and is dependent on the properties of the body or of the duration of sexual abstinence. In the composition of these secretions, the sperm, which can fertilize the egg.
Bulbourethral glands to emit a secret, the the urethra, moisturizes alkaline supports it's environment and create a favorable environment for the preservation of the life of the sperm as they pass through the urethra.
Viscous liquid also during Masturbation, in anticipation of the Penetration, in an early stage of sexual intercourse.
The function of this mystery is the neutralization of the acidic environment in the urethra, which is called excreted in the urine. In an acidic environment, due to the penetration of fluids to the environment changed the vagina to alkaline, helping the sperm to survive. Another Feature is the role of lubrication during intimacy.
Smegma is a physiological secretions from glands on the glans penis. A small number of them. Removed discomfort in compliance with the Hygiene and not bring. In the absence of Hygiene or non-compliance with the rules, accumulates Smegma under the foreskin, and can lead to inflammatory disease such as balanoposthitis.
The semen during the ejaculation, the composition of a sexual secret, and sperm cells.
Wet dreams – involuntary ejaculation, usually during sleep occurs in puberty or in men who renounce permanently.
When a man realizes that the amount of these precipitates and their character changed, he should see a doctor. Pathological discharge in men may be blurry, gray, yellow, dense. Their appearance is due to a burning feeling, pain and discomfort in the urethra.
Normal male secretions values
In the case of excitation discharge in men of their size individually. If a Person watches over the health, he knows his standard.
Physiologically, the amount of bleeding increases in case of prolonged abstinence from intimacy. In this case, it is thicker and more cloudy color. Standards Of Secretions:

- watery and transparent;
- the smell wordlessly;
- the medium density.
Altered vaginal discharge, food, Stress, chronic diseases, harmful habits can affect.
The rules of intimate hygiene for men:
- Use soap with a neutral acidity.
- Wash the genitals 2 times a day.
- Rinse the head, pulling the foreskin.
- To avoid overheating of the testicles.
- The clothes should be wide and made of natural fabrics.
Women-Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge in women during the arousal, in General language usage as a lubricant. It has the appearance of a clear liquid, no odor. Liquid secreted by special glands of the Vagina. And also in its composition of special cells and micro-organisms it contains, the representatives of the normal microflora of the Vagina.
Vaginal secret and characterized in the normal state, the number of up to 5 ml per day. In the case of excitation, the number of the blood supply to the gonads increases. In dependence of the physiological properties of the organism, in some girls it is more, in others less.
Thanks to the lubrication for comfortable Penetration of the Penis guaranteed into the vagina. During ovulation, the composition of the vaginal secretion varies in order to achieve a pregnancy.
In addition, the composition of the vaginal discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, you are transparent and watery. Your function in this Phase is to protect the mucosa from the penetration of infection. The closer ovulation is, the denser you are, by the smell, similar to protein. After Ovulation, the amount of bleeding is reduced in the days prior to Menstruation girl dryness experience.
Normal values in vaginal secretions
The Norm of female secretions:
- liquid, transparent;
- during ovulation gelatinous;
- a small amount of growing closer to the ovulation and then decreasing;
- faint smell without unpleasant hue;
- not the mucous membranes of the vagina or the skin of the external genitals irritate;
- not by subjective sensations accompanied.
During sexual intercourse the number of the secretions from the vagina increases – a sign of arousal.
The ejaculation in women occurs at the time of the peak of the orgasm. It contains no germ cells, as in the male ejaculate. Records from the glands of the body, in the vicinity of the urethra. In contrast to the men, the release of such a secret be done several times for a sexual act. His number is significantly greater than in men. The fullness of the ejaculate suggests that the woman gets the maximum pleasure.
Hygiene rules for the normalization of vaginal secretions:

- You use a special soap for intimate care. In the composition of lactic acid for the maintenance of the acid must be vagina alkaline environment in the.
- In the case of a large number of precipitates panty liners, which are regularly changed every day.
- To wear bed linen made of natural fabrics.
- Will washing recommended twice a day.