Let us not dissemble, and to realize that without Sex in our lives, a blank would be, Sex is an integral part of our lives, and the nicest, too. The connection between the food and the sexual desire is a lot stronger than we are used to it. It is in food, substances contained, the Libido of women, and even men. The following is a list of products is known for exactly these qualities, so that for a better and more saturated Sex these products recommend you Supplement your diet.

Substances That Increase Sex Drive
Element of Bromelain contained in bananas. This Element is able to increase sex drive, particularly, it effectively acts on men. Also, bananas contain potassium and Vitamin B, these components are the production of sexual hormones are involved. Banana is excellent, the sexual energy will increase.
Oysters are used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. You have a enzyme dopamine. The property of this enzyme is that he will be able to increase the Libido of both partners, where the oysters are an excellent source of zinc. It is known that zinc increases the level of the hormone testosterone and increases the production of sperm.
Libido women and men good is the fruit of the Avocado. Avocado is rich in potassium and Vitamin B6. Potassium increases Libido in women, and Vitamin B6 increases the concentration of sex hormones in men. Also Avocados increases the in men, the production of folic acid, which promotes protein metabolism.
Other well-known aphrodisiac is a dark chocolate, it promotes the Intensive production of endorphins. It is known that endorphins, a happiness hormone, it improves the mood and affects the pleasure centers in the brain. Due to the content in dark chocolate, phenylethylamine, women and men, the sexual excitement increases. This substance acts on the centers of the brain and causes a feeling of love, because of this property it is as a "substance of love"
Not to forget, the ginger, the should certainly in the diet. Ginger stimulates the blood circulation in the human body, the Stimulation of the blood circulation, promotes quality of sexual intercourse.
Increase the energy reserves in the body, can almonds, it also increases the Libido of women and men. In the frequency, the scent of almonds woman you can attract.
In celery a special enzyme - Androsterone. Androsterone is characterized in the process of welding and secretion. This hormone is a pheromone and attracts women, and her sexual desire. Celery also increases the testosterone levels in men.
Garlic is able to increase the Libido and stimulate an erection, as increased blood circulation. Thanks to the special substance in garlic, the blood circulate begins to actively in the genitals, such as women and men. In the case of garlic, there is one drawback - the pungent smell. If you are not on the garlic flavor, then they can be made into capsules, it would be the best Option in this case.
Vitamin E, contained in asparagus, affects the production of sex hormones.
Asparagus has a positive effect on the sex drive of women and men.
Sexual desire in women excite the Fig, since it is a fairly large number of different amino acids. Also figs, included components to increase endurance during Sex.
Enzymes Basilica of female Libido boost and improve fertility in women.
Rich and extensive range of vitamins of group In, which have a significant influence on the reproductive organs. The most suitable fish – salmon. It increased the concentration of vitamins: B5, B6, B12.
Turkey, cheese, brown rice contain a lot of zinc. It is known that zinc affects the concentration of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone has an influence on the Libido of women and men.
It is useful in the food the liver, since the substance included in their composition, and supports the immune system, which in turn impact on the Libido.
To increase Libido such herbs such as: Ginseng, Ginkgo, arginine, qui Dong, can. These herbs can be enjoyed in the preparation of food or as a dietary Supplement. Because of its ability to help in the treatment of women's diseases, grass qui Dong received the name of the Queen of the female herbs.

Also on the increase in the female Libido aroma therapy. Prior to the use of aromatic oils should be diluted. These oils can be used to Massage in the bathtub together with your Partner. The scent of essential oils is able to improve female Libido.