In contrast to men, the representatives of the fair sex, during the intercourse, you will not always enjoy. As the woman attracts many men a try. A difficult task. But to get the desired result is much easier than it seems. Frigidae girl very little, a large proportion are not sufficiently excitetur. Not everyone can answer the question and give your man what you like and what not. The pleasure of the partner, the man will have to try. Pre-determine with the help of caresses, what you like, what gets you the greatest joy. Stimulating woman's comfortable for the Partner. It makes you want Sex. In an intimate relationship both partners should pleasure. But it is not always the case.

What actions might the fair sex?
There is the claim that women love with their ears. Many representatives of the fair sex prefer compliments, nice words. Before you say anything, don't you see that you like to your beloved, what words do you leave it indifferent to what compliments she responds with a smile. Before the Sex, we must create an environment in which the partner is sought-after the feeling itself, attractive and irreplaceable.
What men prefer beautiful half?
Men interested in the question of what sort of strong gender ladies like? First of all, it must look neat. The advantage of the men's athletic physique. This type of ladies will not leave you indifferent. In the second place, the personal characteristics are. Strong character, determination, single-mindedness, men always like women. With such representatives of the stronger sex girl feels weak, protected. It is very important to do the right thing, to speak of signs of attention, compliments.
On the first day need to make a pleasant impression. Partners will develop a positive opinion about you, is the continuation of the relationship.
How to get a woman to have Sex?
In the case of a relationship, the main attention will be paid to erogenous zones. They are divided on three types:
- Zone of weak sensations;
- Zone of the average sensation;
- the Zone of strong sensations.
Erogenous Zone – Phase of the skin or of the mucous membranes, irritation of which causes sex drive, orgasm. What a woman aroused? For a quick process of sexual pleasure you can to the blandientur zones in the strong category. Lots of fun partner brings to the process of preparation with the growing effect. Move recommended of weak zones. Remember, the sensitivity of each lady individually. Stimulating points on the body for women to bring sexual attraction to varying degrees. The first category includes the hair, neck, shoulders, back, arms. Petting these zones call out the sensations increase in sexual Libido. Partner starts getting stronger and stronger, want to have a close relationship. Massage to stimulate the women begins with the stimulation of the weak erogenous zones and gradual transition to strong. The second group includes the area of the thighs (outside and inside), lips, tongue, ears, belly. Stroked listed areas of the body, the Partner begins to feel the desire to mate with the chosen one, gradually tepidus desire in her.

The last category consists of:
- Breast, Nipple;
- Labia;
- Vagina;
- Anus;
- Buttocks;
- Navel.
It is the strongest point of the arousal in women. The excitation of the zones referred to Partner delivers indescribable joy. Excited woman experienced orgasm during intercourse. The goal of the men – bring your deliciae to orgasm. Sexual relations between partners is the key to a successful marriage, understanding and positive emotional background between two people.
Massage how female pathogen
By Massage men, the erogenous zones are identified in the partners. In this way, you can new places and sensations, the bliss of the fair sex. How to get a woman with a Massage?
For an erotic Massage, you need to create a romantic atmosphere:
- the pleasant music;
- the candles;
- Boil a glass of a Drink;
- aromatic oils add.
Prior to the start of the process, it is recommended to partner relax, talk about beautiful moments, a compliment. On the Video you can see Massage for excitation of the woman. The perfect complement to venereae Massage is a full bath.
Stimulating Massage for women with their hands, the stages of carrying out:
- The develop Massage should be back with a slight ictus with the finger tips of the neck -, head -, lines belly. Gently swipe with gentle movements on the curve of the body of the beloved.
- Navigate to the area of the inner side of the thigh, then on the external. Slight ictus touch the buttocks.
- Pay attention to the feet. Foot massage pleasure, the legs are the nerve endings. Stroke causes a relaxing effect.
- If the partner is on the belly, ask you to roll on your back. Petting the chest, touch with the tongue nipples. At the end of the Massage, you go to the genitals. How right a woman excited with hands and tongue, your body will tell you. They respond to the behavior of the partner. By his gestures, movements it will tell you what you like more.
- Pay attention to experiments. Alternate stroking, tingling, Spanking, use of the language and the hands, mordentes. To help different techniques of erotic Massage, to understand the feelings of the partner, make sex memorable and passionate.
Techniques to stimulate the women can be many. Ranging from erotic massages, to the sexual act in a romantic environment. With the help of emotions, words, gestures, kisses, touches, you can learn, your partner, your erogenous zones.
The possibilities of arousal of women

You bring your Partner to orgasm you can in two ways:
- with the help of the hands;
- kiss.
In the ideal case, combine the two techniques, experiment. How exciting a woman properly with the hands? Touch is the most important part of a relationship. With your hands, the reaction of the partner can feel. The stroking of the erogenous zones, genital area, the body, you send out a pulse, call the desire of the intimacy of the partners. The ladies like it when men embrace a strong Hand, able, to, press. The beautiful sex love it when perseverance and determination associated with tenderness and affection. To deliver a lover of pleasure, with the hands of all the areas of your body Pat. Light sweet cuddles, intense passing in vibrating motion, bring the lady a feeling of bliss. When using the tactics we recommend, first kisses touch your lips to the ears, neck. In these places, the nerve ends, the Stimulation awakens the sexual activity. In the next step, you go to the neck. Do not need to kiss assertorium. Delicate, gentle movements can connect with the tides of passion. To deliver mistress pleasure, soak a break, let them enjoy the moment, feel the sensation of a flood of emotions. Remember, the attitude should be full of respect, believe your Partner, pay attention to their tips. Do not forget to talk to a girl, the fact that it is the best, the only. Do not run the pressure, if the lady does not work something. By more about each other in an intimate relationship, make sure you, desire, joy to the Partner. How exciting a woman over 40?
The answer to this question, many men look for. In this age, women are more sensitive. Action is tailored to their needs. If desired a partner you can Sex toys. It all depends on the relationship between the partners, the desires, and degrees of intimacy.
You learn your partner, every part of your body. You have joy, beloved, to live is to diversify sex life, intimate relationship bring to perfection.