The procedure with erotic content acts on certain points of the body, sharpens the sensations. Inform you of Massage for women for the suggestion, about the correct preparation for the procedure, in order to achieve the desired result.

The preparation of the girls to erotic Massage
Before a Massage, stimulating girl, must be properly prepared for the procedure with erotic content. Erotic session should take place in a pleasant environment, the great importance plays the Situation.
Erotic Massage usually leads to a close man. Your husband or Partner, you need to carefully prepare for an intimate procedure. Under comfortable conditions for stimulating Massage, the following preliminary moments to understand:
- the room should be a comfortable temperature, about 23 degrees;
- if there is no special massage table or Sofa Couch, then you can use the bed. You put a soft blanket on the floor;
- Terry towels need;
- for massage movements prepare a special oil or cream;
- for the amplification of the intimate effect and ignite incense sticks, or you use the lamp;
- you can choose a light, relaxing music;
- Lighting for stimulating Massage, the girl should be bright and Intrusive. Only a dim light can help reduce Stress, and arrange the beloved wife of the erotic procedure;
- the man's hands must be warm, in order to exclude unpleasant sensations of touch. The nails need to be cut shorter, and the file, so as not to hurt the delicate female skin. Before the Massage a nourishing cream on the hands.
Of great importance during the stimulating Massage for women, additional accessories, and some small Tricks, which are able to provide girls a true joy.
The nuances of performing erotic Massage
For the execution of the Massage session, the oil is available in the final version, or you can cook yourself. Homemade massage oil prepares so:
- as the core products to the oil, peach, grape, or almond hazelnut is suitable;
- the fundamental Basis of a few drops of aromatic oil added to it. You can see the dome of Jasmine, lavender. A variant to notice the addition to the composition, sandalwood or Ylang-Ylang.
If you don't cook yourself or buy oil, then you can use the cream for the body.
His girlfriend of more pleasant moments during a stimulating Massage, man you can do this with the following recommendations:
- in advance, prepare the ice cubes, springs. This simple additional tools to help stimulating Massage intensive;
- instead of lighting equipment you can light a candle;
- if the girl agrees, then put bandage to her eyes. So a session is not only an erotic but also a little secret is to look;
- prior to the implementation of the erotic procedure, let the woman a little lie down in a prepared bath with sea salt, and fragrance foam.
Almost every Massage technique consists of certain movements, where they belong within and vibration Manipulation. Stimulating female Massage in this regard is no exception. The listed Massage movements alternate in a certain order. Not to hurry the most important rule during the session.
The sequence of stimulating Massage for women is playing an important role. To move to any part of the body without hurrying up with certain movements. Processed Massage land with a towel, to eliminate sub-cooling and unpleasant sensations.
Inspiring places on the body of a woman
You need to understand that exciting massage for girls means that the treatment in the genital area. This is the essential difference erotic massage of intimate.
Man massaging woman is not only back, but also areas of the body in the front. All the Massage manipulations to be made without application of violence, the movements should be gentle, so it is best to use the Pads of the fingers.
On the body of a woman, there are points during the Massage, and places that you do not touch the better. Areas of the body, do not touch the better during the erotic session:
- Armpits and the area under the knees. The whole point of the procedure, ruin, and the girl is just ticklish;
- The heel and the area of the temples pain;
- the kidney does not bring pleasure;
- The neck on the front and the area of the Solar Plexus. Massing of these places can lead to discomfort and suffocation.
To points Massage for arousal are:
- the rear and lateral part of the neck;
- Earcups;
- Brushes, hands and fingers;
- the back, especially the area between the shoulder blades, the district of loin;
- Calves;
- Hip;
- of the foot and toes;
- the area of the abdomen;
- Chest.
Stimulating girl body massage begin with a soothing movement. You have to remember that the more Massage Manipulation, the more fun get favorite.
To love man is not difficult to determine where the stimulating areas on the body of the beloved. If it starts during the soothing touches of the girl to shake, to breathe with goose bumps, and choppy, it means that the right place for the suggestion of the girl found during the Massage.
Technology of the Japanese stimulating Massage
To a woman, how much more vivid, unforgettable impressions of Massage techniques, it is necessary to use different touches on the most sensitive spots.
During the Japanese stimulating Massage you can use the following manipulation, and at the same time watch the reaction of the women:
- touch her body with the tips of your fingers;
- You can tickle susceptible areas of the springs or delicate tassel;
- make slight movements.
Massage the sensitive points such as buttocks, is a plot of leaves on the back between the shoulder, shoulders, you need the following:
- if a girl take it off, you must apply a man of gentle movements on your body massage oil for;
- the oil into the skin with circular manipulation ends penetrates, starting at the shoulders with gentle movements along the back and the legs;
- all of the movements are without effort, but with a gentle push;
- to some, the sensitive digit tips can press with the finger;
- massaged the back and buttocks, you can do, movement, painting-like patterns on the surface of the canvas;
- Abdomen, chest, limbs, and beta of the thigh in two positions: lying on the back and the belly.
Important: in the hands of the women relate to one of the more sensitive areas on the body. Therefore, the girl is aroused during the Massage, you can stroke on your palms, particularly on the inside.

Massage technique consists of the following graded activities:
- the attention to the neck and female ears. Begin the Massage with a neck and stroking phases, for example, female ears. The movement is from the fingers and a light touch of the palms. You can easily kiss her beloved ears and in the neck;
- the area of the back is treated in the vicinity of the shoulder blades via a slight Manipulation. To understand that a girl is beautiful, is not difficult;
- Buttocks fingering, slow movements. You touch the skin it should be light, gradually to the feet. The Zone is considered to be susceptible internal thigh surface;
- in the processing of your feet have a bit of trouble. To cause gentle touch of a laugh, or a girl will be tickled. The heel is massaged slowly and with increasing force;
- do not forget about the face of the friend, where the sensitive spots are. Those lips, roasting ears, delicate feminine chin. You try, with the tips of your fingers to hold the contour of the face. It is recommended to pay particular attention to the earlobe;
- massage of the chest, should be avoided force-Manipulation. All the movements should be gentle, and in the vicinity of the nipple to collect;
- Abdominal massage can even with the tongue slightly on the nails over the skin.
In terms of the intimate Bikini area, then in the erotic Massage the sexual organs are not affected. Delicate, easy manipulation, possible, touch the intimate area bikini zone. Such Manipulation is a good, stimulating effect
The positive effects of erotic Massage affected later, the quality of the sex. After all, the active and the female arousal points on the body, thanks to the technique stimulating Massage for women, man woman has more experience in love. Girls learn to experience themselves to fully relax during erotic meetings, but also new sensations.
Stimulating massage technique for the back
Not all know that the female back is considered to be one of the sensitive and excitable parts of the body. So, the basic movement in stimulating Massage to the back, aim carefully at this plot. Among the most excitable, and responds to the various touch areas of the back on the body of a woman:
- lumbar Region;
- the so-called cats-space. This is the area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
Lumbar part of the back is located in the vicinity of the sex organs, therefore, characterized by a higher sensitivity. And the area between the shoulder blades immediately responsive to even slight, within touch.
Your favorite gift genuine, relaxing erotic procedure, you must know how to do massage the back stimulating for girls. First of all, you need to follow some rules:
- on the surface of the skin gently to touch, without effort;
- Massage movements must constantly alternate. The same rule applies for the efforts. More insistent, but still gentle Manipulation switch with light touches fingertips;
- work your way to the buttocks, can more intensive crushing and grinding, because at these points the skin a little dense veil.
The technique stimulating Massage of the woman in the area of the back consists of the following manipulations:
- after applying it to the back, oils or creams for Massage, joint Manipulation. Kneading of the shoulders, begin with the gradual transition to the back. Go to motion in a circle;
- You do not strong vibrating manipulations along the spine;
- lumbar area of processed light movements, then the transition to the neck, and the man returns.
During the erotic, the man can woman to touch your body. So, dear friend gets more lively feeling from the meeting.
If you can properly experience the massage girl for excitement partner different feelings:
- the girl can shout;
- to fall asleep. In this case, the partner should not be awaken;
- you will experience the full relaxing effect;
- Pleasure to go in sexual arousal;
- the partner is completely free of negative energy.
If the girl is excited by the Massage, and comes in a small state of euphoria, it means that the session is correctly carried out.
With the help of the erotic session that you will solve a lot of problems in the relationship and to the following effect:
- in the case of the girlfriend, the negative emotions and the relationship with the beloved brighter and richer to go;
- in the women a real sexual energy to Wake up;
- a man can stimulating Massage as a prelude to Sex.
Advantage of erotic treatments, when it performs, the husband or a close man, is that during the session the couple has no inhibitions at all of the actions. If a man has the art of the erotic process and know how to attract Massage woman, the partner is able, without problems, you go to the next profession of love.
The behavior of the men during the erotic Massage
A Massage with erotic content went high, men, the following recommendations need to take note of:
- Massage therapist, despite the fact that is a close man needs to understand that only true affection and love for the Partner to give her pleasure. Not worth it, focus exactly on the General Massage movements. The whole thing is in the lungs, and erotic Touch in the sensitive female areas.
- impossible Massage stimulating, to linger long in one part of the body. The whole session is a complex event that is not hands on with the surface of the body clean up. Must seamlessly from a sensitive area of the body to another;
- it is clear that in the course of the session, the husband Horny can. So you need to adjust immediately to what the Massage is for pleasure of the girl, and not for yourself. You need to be on the process and not on themselves
Massage, for the stimulation of the beloved as the best event to help build relationships and move on, something new, mutual caresses.
If the man decided to make a gift in the Form of favorite erotic procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the proposed recommendations. Every couple in love knows better how to pleasure each other. So, during the Massage, should, in the gradual implementation of the session. And the Rest, better your own feelings and wishes of the beloved partner. The only way to understand which actions produce more positive emotions, and what are the manipulations to be abandoned.
The purpose of the erotic Massage, he aims to a certain extent, on the recovery. Wife after a couple of treatments will be easier to be freed during Sex, afraid to get out and the voltage in relation to the Psycho-emotional. But the main goal of the method, however, the arousal of the girl, even though the session was dominated by elements of the General, traditional Massage.
Almost every man turns out to perform a stimulating Massage for the first time. The main thing is to listen to the response of the beloved, and then not more clear, better than any other movement.