And this is surprising — almost nothing has changed since ancient times, and we are only just podkorrektirovali the Ancient Vedas, which have proposed to increase the Feminine power, this means...

You Trust Them!
Classes, the female force
1. Massage. The Vedas say: the female body is incredibly grateful for the contact. It need to knead, to overclock the energy, otherwise it will cause pressure on the woman from the inside, the complaints.
2. Relationship with married girlfriends. If you want to get married, then take a bit of the energy of the family. This is a very valuable and noble energy. Many waive the joint meeting with married friends — and completely in vain. Save this energy, if it is possible.
3. Nails. And men agree — manicure transfigured the female Hand, you want to kiss. And it is believed that the energy of prosperity and the beauty comes together with the red paint.
4. The connection with other women. Without a mutual exchange of energy strengthen you. The man needs to rest, to understand. To understand a woman better, your feelings and concerns with their peers.
5. Have a long talk. Of course, the men take it on an empty expenditure of time. But without those injections,-energy, the collected words and thoughts fall directly into the man. And both hurt.
6. A Walk In The Park. The woman simply needs to go. the connection with nature and the world only strengthen the Position of the guardian of the hearth.
7. Meditation. Any relaxing practice helps women regain their strength. The practical Meditation before going to bed, and in the nature.
8. Dance. Each variant of a recreation: the strengths of sexuality and feminine essence. Pay attention to the Arab dances or Latino.
9. Hair. The transfer, the change of style — not only lift the mood. The old India is female hair have a big role. You are a mirror image of the thoughts and inner state.
10. Books. When reading about the fate of others — better understand. Read the story about the lives of other people.
11. Planning. Any incompleteness, restraint and doubt — harm to the woman. As paradoxical as may sound, but a clear Plan — this is a safer way to receive their energy. Even in small things! You will start with you, and you go forward then to months and years.
12. Picnics. Let yourself be with your friends! Here, the energy is refreshing on several levels.
13. Club of young mothers. Exchange Of Experience, Plus The Exchange Of Energy. Because the moon protects the mothers and their energy exclusively to women.
14. Romantic Movies. Not to explain need. You call for to visit a girlfriend!
15. Clothing. Not only gorgeous dresses on the yield, but also at home! Not to forget the Homewear.
16. The feeding of the birds, the animals. Very easy in this way to increase your energy. Feeding trough for birds. Purchase home Canary-birds, which by the way is family happiness.
17. Photos. Do not hesitate, admire and celebrate you successful pictures!
18. Sexy Selectivity. Several partners condemn you to perish. You preserve the faithful. Because a man shackles — requires a lot of energy and waste a turn early on Sex.
19. The Compliments. As you yourself and other women. Sincerely, a good word will make you stronger. Not to say if you are able to, something nice, try to solve the Problem. Rejection of other women complications in their own lives.
20. Tenderness. The weasel helps itself to recognize and to understand.
21. Attention and surprises for no reason. Post cards, flowers, candy... a woman is a must. You give filled.
22. Would. According to the Vedas, she is the most exquisite, what the Creator created. Are you clear about its charm and beautiful features.
23. Music. Listen to music, you should you a day. Meditative, classical, just the one that like. You take a habit that contain music, for example, in the morning a Cup of herbal tea to drink. Would be good if it's the Mantras sound.
24. A bath with rose petals, oils. It is not a gimmick, but a necessity! What is this smallness of your body, you will be surprised mood, his own charisma and good.

25. Singing lessons. Singing cleanses the throat Chakra, and we do not want more swearing, cursing men. In Sparta in ancient times one of the compliments for the women, the words were "she's like a song".
26. The visit of a psychologist. But not necessarily women! Wise, experienced woman can help you to understand the Situation is different. The wisdom of older women. For this reason, useful to mothers communicate with their own large, the same.
27. Yoga. The practice of Yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is advisable, in the case of the woman, and married. Man Trainer teaches only not to burden the body, to share power, he can, just because he is a man.
28. Plant care. A small garden at home or a vegetable garden — an additional opportunity, arm yourself with the female energy. Flowering, growth is always a mirror image of the female energy.
29. Help. The provision of someone to help or ask for help. Learn to abandon the principle of "I", because it is a typical male principle.
30. Ask for help in a man. Each manifestation of worry makes us feminine. An Experiment and ask a stranger to help you convey to the bag. The mood will rise to 100%!
31. Separation with someone duties at home. Boldly trust in any love things.
The house is not just an apartment in which we live. With the house in the wife there is a strong energetic connection. That is why we are so annoying creak of a door or the current faucet. For women is not only an error, such "holes" female energy flows.
But it is precisely in such trifles sometimes, it is important not to disturb the man. Why? The man thinks big: "is disabled, will make all the tiles in the bathroom, then. What's smear ten times the walls!". Sometimes it is easier to have someone who corrects minor errors. Just to say not to forget the man, what have you done, is the knowledge that he is very busy, but not because he is in the hands not of the place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
32. Festive lunch or dinner with candles, a nice tablecloth and, delicious dishes. It turns out, everything we do even more for yourself, although you want the sound to increase beloved. You realize those magical moments in life. Raduyte yourself and loved ones
33. Acting classes. The woman lives in the world of emotions. Lose different roles on the stage, you can not only understand yourself better but also get rid of the accumulated Aggression or share joy.
34. Make-up and care for themselves. It is not a way to get a man to like, but in the first line of joy to the get. So at home, it is important that hairstyles, Outfits to wear and look good.
35. Skirts, Dresses. Such clothing provides the connection with the energy of the species in the female line. There is a rule — not trousers to wear on the first 7 (!) dates then, if you really want a man in shackles. Found that the constant wearing of trousers has a negative influence on the female organs.
36. The concern for the children. You will not refuse a married friend to play with your child. Any manifestation of concern for women is a path to power. The main thing — not to look like a child to the man.
37. The study of a new culture. For the extension of the world view and allows the woman to an inner world. The female energy tends to expand, not to restrict artificially.
38. The physical strain. If you are feeling fatigue, you can start a new sports and skills. It can't go Jogging just a new type of Fitness, but also easy in the morning. Very useful in dance. A good way to recover.
39. Dismantling Of Blockages. Old things, junk and stuff to weaken the energy of women. If life came a difficult period — it is time to sort blockages.
40. Poetry. Poetry reading helps reveal the romantic side of his "I". Do not hesitate to write your poems. Beautiful syllable teaches, to speak beautifully and to think properly.
41. Visit to the Museum or the exhibition. Everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
42. Diary. Daily make a note of your thoughts, desires, and goals. In a diary, glue pictures or even paint. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to note. The energy of the emotions in the woman is forced, then throw it at the man, which in itself is not very good. In addition, the recording of thoughts promotes their analysis.
43. Definition of desires. Formulate you wishes for yourself: what do you want to actually, especially in a relationship.
And not to forget "can". — It is the prerogative of the men. The man says: I can win, I can take you to wife to (or can't). To think if a woman begins, much in the style of "I can", it is a man. Compare: "I want to look good. I want to please him. I want to get married" and "I look good, I can like him, can I marry".
44. Obedience. Disputes, competitions, and other aspects of active behavior to reduce the energy consumption. Try it, soft and diplomatically. For this reason, the conquest of the man is the woman exhausted.
45. The Purity. Keep the dwelling clean to keep, your body and your mind. In time out of the house. Not negative memories of hoarding in the past. The easiest way to energy — to stand under the shower. Purity brings power.
46. Arts and crafts. Knitting, sewing, and modeling: everything you do with your hands can, raise the level of your female energy.
47. Expression of love in any Form, at any time. Hug, kiss love. You speak the words of love in the world, the people, their things: the sun, the spring breeze, rain and even her grief, because she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle to empty wife.
48. The right diet. Use products, the less processing and closer to nature. Remember, what is the power of the Apple, vigorous in the garden? And some Hamburger. The sensations are very different.

49. Stay alone with yourself. Don't worry, the moments when you remain all alone. You are not running to get married just because of the loneliness. Use this time to get involved. To put nature monthly period when the woman must think only of to (menstrual).
50. Learn to work with the energy of the moon. Wait outside in the moonlight, charge the lunar rays, water, and then add it to the tub. You turn to the moon to help with female complaints.
51. Charity. It is in pure Form as an expression of the female energy. If you have something to help the Person to do it.
52. The Aromas And Flavors. You should always have the Aura of a pleasant scent. The woman is a flower. You can buy new spirits, and the choice of fragrance strengthens the female energy.
53. Flowers bouquets. Working with colors makes the charge of new powers, Upgrades, and flowering.
54. Loving Speech. Learn to communicate without Aggression and pressure. The female energy blooms from a couple of gentle words from you. Insults, swear words to bring the feminine energy to no.
55. Water sources. Holidays on the river, the lake, the sea is a good way to the level of your energy.
Water is the Basis of the sexuality of the woman and her ability to be harmonious, used to circumstances, or Vice versa, stormy.In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite young priestesses necessarily swim, and with the Element of water.
56. The rejection of complex topics for reflection and negotiation. Woman useful to be frivolous and think nothing. The role of the girl gives an invincible youth. Especially this point is important for the Business Lady. Try to leave things at work, not bring them in the house.