Erogenous zones — this is the point on the body at the touch, and sexual arousal. These points are created by nature itself. And if the Partner starts the power with the knowledge of his craft, the body prepares for sexual intercourse. On the female body, such points are much more than men. On many of these points, we know virtually nothing.
In the case of a wrong touch to the erotic zones can be expected completely the opposite effect.
15 the main characteristics of the sexual arousal of the woman
- the termination of the call. when a woman reaches the highest point of sexual arousal, her voice is quiet, he only replies to questions, in addition, clearly – "Yes" or "no", and then be very still.
- Redness of the face. in consequence of the enormous flood of blood to the head, the whole face of the woman's blood poured out, as would breaks out. this is especially noticeable on the glowing cheeks.
- Breath. it is frequent and superficial, with rare deep breaths. Woman is not enough air, so that the nostrils are wide, and come in motion and it begins to breathe through the mouth.
- The mouth and lips. in view of the fact that the woman is breathing through the mouth, he had it slightly open. the lips dry up, and she tried the whole time, the tip of the tongue your humidity.
- Dehydration of the throat. Throat in the woman dries up, so that it moisturize often hirundo difficile saliva. sometimes, for the moistening of the throat, a glass of water asks.
- the closed eyes. the woman focuses only on the male caresses, receives the maximum satisfaction, because your eyes closed.
- the sweating of the body. as a result of the man stroking the woman's body (back, abdomen, and thigh), blood vessels the blood supply of the superficial, whereby the body of the woman is sweating.
- the tremor and the voltage of the body. the body of a woman, which is celebrated on the peak of pleasure, biased, and in some areas, especially on the belly and the hips, Jitter – frequent spasmodic contraction of the small muscles.
- Hugs with regular strong clenches. Woman, impulsive man, at regular intervals, hands clasped firmly embraced, some parts of his body, sometimes your nails will be.
- Swelling of the nipples. Pacifier in the women, alive and swell, become hard. although it should be remembered that there might be a constant phenomenon in pregnancy.
- Protrusion of the abdomen. excited woman reflexively bulging belly.
- clenching the hips. To endure the woman in the situation and to ensure the enjoyment, the hips, the impact, of irritation large labia and Clit.
- The direction of the caresses of the man on your genitals. a great desire and the impatience of the women, forces you to lead to tenderness of the man on your genitals.
- increased secretion of the Vagina. at the entrance to the Vagina, you can feel his fluid intake and in some women it can feel, even through the panties – you are in the area of the wet Vagina.
- to touch the desire of the Sex Organ of the men. the highest peak of the wishes of the women in their desire to touch the sex Organ of male, and begin to stroke him.

Of course, not all women can be present at the same time all these characters. but it is believed that if you showed more than half of, the woman is completely ready to have Sex.