Female arousal is one of the most mysterious phenomena. Restless gaze, longing in the whole body, shortness of breath - all these signs say that the woman craved. Good and high-quality excitation guarantees a wonderful evening for couples, but also a Maximum of pleasure from a intimate connection. But unfortunately not every man knows that a woman is aroused the best. Let us try to understand this topic.

What is the difference of the sexual arousal of women is from the male sex?
On the road eye-catching girls in short map and on High Heels that perfectly emphasize the slim long legs. Bodycon Tank Top emphasizes the slim waist and beautiful Breasts, and a bright, but not the caller makeup look creates the predator. Attention every second man gets tied up to such beauty.
But a woman for the emergence of sexual desire in need of more. Rarely is that the girl who looked excited on the guy. In some cases, a gentle hug or passionate, the kisses are the perfect means to stimulate the women. In other situations, the girls, the desire for intimacy of the clitoris, Breasts, and thighs will appear only after the immediate caresses. And there are such ladies, the only affect of a conversation about Sex.
All representatives of the fair sex, individually. What I like a young lady, is totally unacceptable for others. But, nevertheless, based on the knowledge of the female psychology and physiology there are a couple of tips that will help to achieve sexualem arousal of the girl.
A strong man attracts women
Just think of the worldview of our ancestors, and at once it becomes clear. What kind of a man is particularly popular with the women in prehistoric times? Who was the strongest: murdered more all on the hunt, knew how to fight and survive in the duel, but also the chief of the tribe. Energy always attracted the female gender.
In our time, nothing has changed. A woman wants to feel next to a strong man, like a stone wall. If a man is not about the athletic and muscular physique, it is not necessary, put it on the cross. Physical data perfectly the inner power to replace, in terms of the certainty and firmness of character. To see the girls are beautiful, in the vicinity of the self-assured man, which will strengthen and assist you.

To win to help unobtrusive compliments and sincere words of admiration, almost every girl
Men love with eyes, women with their ears. In order to awaken the girl, enough of my pleasure on your appearance (clothes, hairstyle). Words of admiration have to be honest and not be tense, come from the heart. A woman heard a compliment in his direction, rather wants to continue the talks.
The compliments to sound over the appearance, manicure, makeup and hairstyles. Most of the fair sex, the preparation for a date: the performed at in the bathroom or a visit to the beauty salon should be carefully undetected for a man to stay.
Also a good means to stimulate the woman a compliment about her sweet smile, easy personality, simplicity, communication and other qualities of this girl.
The few guys is the fact that the woman stimulates to be the best male voice: hard and soft, a little hoarse. know and enjoy Several compliments should Express quiet romantic voice directly in the ear, the girl immediately as the first signs of female arousal.
Achieve confidence in the chosen
For men Sex is a purely physiological need. The women refer to sexual intimacy differently. For you Sex is a way to Express your feelings, learn the Partner closer, to get mental relief. That is why it is very important to ensure that the girl is tied up and completely trusts his Partner and was, because otherwise you will not be able to relax and get the most out of your love of the game.
How to trust my lady? It is quite simple. Light and easy conversation, a few sincere compliments, tender seconds of contact, relax a girl. You should not ask personal questions (but not too far): what to eat, what to appreciate better music (or literature or movies), what is the quality of the people (men), and so on, loves.
The woman should feel comfortable with, and similar questions and topics for discussion help to see in the man a kindred spirit.
If the relationship, the couples are already in the stage of Dating and courtship passed, in this case, the female arousal reach to help conversations about Sex. The story of a sexual nature tells the story of a soft, velvety voice directly into the ear of the partner, will not have to wait long for the results.

Romantic dinner by candlelight
Not least of all the right conditions for the arousal of a woman. Quiet location, candlelit dinner, romantic music in the background help to relax the girl and enjoy the common pastime.
A larger effect should be during the meal by candlelight, the compliments, speak the gentle accompany touches. Almost always such a night of intimacy Partner ends.
Worrying touching and other acts, the girls give birth
Need not afraid to touch Madame, even on the first date. Physical contacts should be inconspicuous, smooth and short: remove the eyelash with the eye, gently embrace at the entrance to the cinema or a Restaurant, or fleeting touch of hands, to correct effodisset of curly hairstyles hair. Some men do not perceive such actions seriously. And for good reason. Finally, they play a major role.
Kisses on the neck and décolleté
If the relationships of the couples on a more serious level, in this case, and actions must be self-aware and open. It is no secret that many women love kisses in the nape of the neck and décolleté, and a passionate kiss on the lips writhing as the female as well as male.
With a kiss in the neck you start with gentle touches of the lips about eye girl, down gradually. According to the degree of the reaction partnershi kisses are passionate and impulsive. However, the "Hickey" on the neck partnershi worth it, since such action may be negatively perceived.
After kissing on the neck, alternating with kissing on the lips, go with the cleavage. Starting with the right or left of the collarbone, slowly go down. Chest the warm and soft hands caressing costs. One of the most sensitive points of the excitation at the woman - her nipples.
Breast stroke with the hands or the tongue very much the representatives of the fair sex. Kissing nipples, you should be careful, because the slightest bite partnershi pain and discomfort can deliver the teeth.
Of the thigh, and the clitoris caress
To press against the wall, kissing firmly and the hips start to compress, and the Hand in Panty girl - such an approach will bring women who prefer Action, and the strong men.
Classic tenderness lower body girl clitoris, tingling and rubbing fondling suspect. However, before you indulge to this task, is to make sure whether it is acceptable for the partner or not. Some of the young ladies happy, so that the caress of the clitoris with the Hand, others categorically against. So first, a little analysis of the character of the girl, her upbringing and worldview should be, or ask questions directly.
If the Clit will have to pet space, then you can start gently and carefully, put a warm Hand between her thighs for a few seconds, then remove. The reaction of the lady, followed you repeat this action, linger longer in a secret location. Sexual arousal, the delicate to achieve, but self-conscious, circular motion, slight tingling sensation to the clitoris. The caress of the tongue and very gently biting her clitoris. It should be very careful to not woman deliver unpleasant sensations or pain.

What to do if you attract girls?
In today's world, women often have Stress at work, in family or in any other areas of life are exposed. Everyday life include constantly under Stress, not in the mood for Sex. In such cases, the try is worth it to relax sweetie to a soothing Massage or an aromatic bath. A good massage of the feet helps.
Another reason for the lack of female arousal, your menstrual cycle is. The girl experienced the most sexual arousal during ovulation, because at this time the possibility of the occurrence of pregnancy, but also at a high level his hormones. To achieve excitation of the woman is very much more difficult at the end of the menstrual cycle. This is connected with mood swings and pain in the abdomen.
Conclusion: how to excite a woman
For the excitation of the chosen, you must chose a couple of simple tips to follow:
- They behave self-confidently and persistently, but the feeling of measure;
- girl talk sincere compliments, ask yourself during the conversation;
- unobtrusive touch;
- create appropriate conditions for the excitation of the woman;
- Kisses and caresses of the body partnershi bring the desired result.